Bingo Rules
St PIUS X - Knights of Columbus
Bingo Rules
- Welcome. Please remember no smoking. Smoking is not permitted on St. Pius X campus and please silent all cell phones. If you need to speak on your phone, please withdraw from your table so you do not distract other players. Be courteous to your fellow bingo enthusiasts.
- No one under the age of 18 may buy a Bingo card without a parent or guardian present
- Only cards bought at the event can be used.
- Players win Bingo if they have the current pattern for that game marked on their card
- When marking their card, players must mark their card so all numbers can be read and verified.
- Bingo must be called immediately. You must Bingo on the last number called. Sleeper Bingos ( missed Bingos) will not be honored.
- All play will stop once Bingo is called
- Once Bingo is called, a verifier will verify all numbers on the card or cards if more than one winner.
- All prizes will be paid to verified winners. If there is more than one verified winner in a game, the prize will be divided equally between them.
- It is the winning player’s responsibility to stop the game by raising his or her hand and calling out Bingo loud enough to be heard before the next number is called.
- No call of Bingo will be honored after the announcement that the game is “officially closed”
- Disorderly persons will be asked to leave and no refund will be offered
- All problems, questions and disputes will be resolved by the members in charge. Their decision is final.
- All of our workers are volunteers and are conducting the Bingo games to raise money for our organization's charities. Our volunteers are prohibited from participating in the games in any way. Please do not ask them to watch your cards.
- We thank you for your patronage and support. We hope you win and have fun. But please keep in mind that the primary purpose of these games is to raise money for our charitable endeavors.
Enjoy , Have Fun and don’t forget to shout BINGO!